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An eco-responsible Christmas, challenge accepted!

An eco-responsible Christmas, challenge accepted!

For a long time, Christmas has been synonymous with overconsumption. You now know that at Sample Slow Jewelry we are fans of minimalism and a responsible lifestyle. However, we are convinced that it is possible to celebrate the end of year holidays in a conscious way and by limiting our impact on our beautiful planet as much as possible.

In our opinion, celebrating Christmas in an eco-responsible way can be played out on three main levels: the meal(s), the outfits and the gifts.

Christmas dinner: what if we changed our habits?

For meals, remember to eat local and seasonal. This may seem obvious to some of you, but for holidays like Christmas we sometimes have well-established traditions that do not go in this direction... This is perhaps an opportunity to rethink it and establish new family customs? And why not a vegetarian or even vegan Christmas? A great challenge to take on!

A slow fashion outfit (of course!)

For the end of year celebrations, we generally like to wear our best outfits. Clothes that are often only worn a few times (or even once) and languish in our wardrobes the rest of the time. Why not wear a “slow fashion” look? Multiple options exist: clothing rental, second-hand, local designers, etc.

Discover our article “Slow fashion: how to be part of a conscious approach?”

Eco-responsible gifts

Christmas gifts are often, and rightly, accused of having a huge negative environmental impact. Far from us wanting to spoil the party of course, just to advise you on how to spoil those around you in a responsible and conscious way.

  • The intangible gift

  • You won't find a more eco-friendly gift than an experience to share with someone. You are giving your loved ones a souvenir, a special moment that they will remember. The options are multiple: a staycation , an unusual night, a well-being moment, an escape game, a concert, a play, a workshop,... It's hard not to find something to please. The advantage of this type of gift is that it invites you to enjoy the present moment, perfect for adopting a slower lifestyle.

    Discover our 5 workshops and DIY workshops in Brussels to awaken your creative spirit

  • The material gift
  • It is of course possible to also offer material gifts. The golden rule will then be to think about your purchases consciously. Let's avoid offering for the sake of offering and establish our selection thoughtfully. A Christmas gift can be described as responsible in several aspects…

    Its origin : Indeed, let's start by trying to turn to Belgian or European brands. In this way you boost the economy and local crafts. At the same time, you reduce the ecological impact of transport compared to a product that comes from far away.

    Its composition : Let's keep an eye on the raw materials of our purchases. Whether in cosmetics, fashion or any other material field, it is important to find out what constitutes the product or object. An inevitable criterion for anyone who wishes to preserve the environment and their health! In general, let's try to favor natural materials and ingredients and avoid components with unpronounceable names.

    Its sustainability : When doing your Christmas shopping, we also recommend that you think about the sustainability of what you select. Does this item have a long life expectancy? Or is it likely to quickly be thrown aside, broken or damaged? Let's think in the long term to stay in an approach that goes against overconsumption.

    At Sample Slow Jewelry, we also have a selection of “second life” jewelry . A collection that offers a series of unique and refurbished silver pieces, with a story.

    Its usefulness : Of course, we always try to choose useful gifts. We are not talking about offering an object whose usefulness is especially vital but rather one which will really be adopted and appreciated by the person who receives it. Like a pretty piece of jewelry for example…

    Its packaging : The wrapping paper works for a few minutes before ending up in the trash. A detail which nevertheless has all its importance and which also knows its alternatives. Why not reuse a pretty tote bag? Or give the furoshiki method a chance? This is a technique which consists of wrapping your presents in a square of fabric which comes in lots of patterns and colors. A stylish, original and ecological alternative that comes straight from Japan.

    This list of criteria is of course not exhaustive. However, we hope to have been able to give you some ideas for adopting a conscious approach, on your scale, during the Christmas holidays. No one is perfect, but everyone can do their part with small, mindful actions like these. Jingle Bells!